Effect of multiple obstructions on natural convection heat transfer in a vertical channel
Olfa Mechergui, Xavier Chesneau, Ali Hatem Laatar |
On two-phase flow patternsprediction using CFD modeling in horizontal pipe: validation
On two-phase flow patternsprediction using CFD modeling in horizontal pipe: validation
Hiba Cherif, Anissa Ghomrassi, Jalila Sghaier , Hatem Mhiri |
Thermal interaction effect between two different
Phase Change Materials encapsulated in spheres in a
water flow
RACHEDI Khouiled, KORTI Abdel Illah Nabil, RETERI Ahmed |
Fractional order controller of a stand alone wind
energy system with battery storage
Olfa Gam, Riadh Abdelati, Mahamadou Abdou Tankari, Mohamed Fawzi Mimouni,Gilles Lefebvre |
A smooth transition modeling and forecasting of the nonlinear dynamics of renewable energy cycle in Tunisia
Mohsen Alimi, Abdelwaheb Rebai |
Mathematical approach for bandgap energy
investigation of InGaNAs/GaAs structure using the
Design of experiments
Lynda Chenini, Abdelkader Aissat, Jean Pierre Vilcot |
Modeling and simulation the nonlinear dynamics of
renewable energy system in Tunisia
Mohsen Alimi, Abdelwaheb Rebai |
A Robust Model Predictive Control for a DC Motor-Based Photovoltaic Pumping
Omar Hazil, Sofiane Bououden, Akila Djoudi Gherbi, Billel Taghezouit , Yahia Bakelli |
Mathematical modelling and numerical study of a Tunisian tunnel kiln used in brick industry
Nahed Soussi, Wassim Kriaa, Hatem Mhiri, Philippe BOURNOT |
On two-phase flow patterns prediction using CFD modeling in horizontal pipe: validation
Modélisation mathématique et simulation
numérique du comportement d'un capteur
solaire à air
Guettaf Wahid, Benhamou Amina, Bibi Mohand Ouamer |
The effect of the central swirled jet nature on confined coaxial jet characteristics
Sirine Chouaieb, Wassim Kriaa, Hatem Mhiri, Philippe Bournot |
Estimation of Hydrogen Production of a
Photovoltaic-Electrolyser direct-coupling system
with Fresnel lenses concentrator
Pipelines Corrosion Due to the Electromagnetic Pollution
caused by the High Voltage Power Lines
M. Ouadah ; O. Touhami; R. Ibtiouen ; A. Bouzida ; S. Bouyegh ; D.Allou; A. Haddad |
Average Model of a DC/DC Converter used in
Battery Storage System
Abdessattar Jendoubi, Najib Fnaiech, Faouzi Bacha |
Experimental study on single droplet drying of hydroxypropylated pea starch:
Drying kinetics and particle morphology
Imen Gouaou, Samira Shamaei , Koutchoukali Mohamed Salah, Bouhelassa Mohamed, Evangelos Tsotsas, Abdolreza Kharaghani |
Experimental study of New Design of Solar Still with an internal condenser and Coupled with Solar Water and Air Heater and humidifier
K. Zarzoum, H. Ben Bacha, K. Zhani |
PI/FL Based On PMSG for Wind Turbine Used in Wind Energy Conversion System
A.Simen, H.Tlijani, M.Dhaoui, R.Ben Younes |
Effect of HRT on the Nitrate Removal From a
Synthetic Groundwater in A Bench Scale
Denitrifying MBBR
Meriem Bouteraa, Antonio Panico, Mosaab Bencheikh-Lehocine, Francesco. Pirozzi |