Futures Hedging on Both Procurement Risk and Sales Risk Under Correlated Price and Demand.
Mingwei Liao, Lap Keung Chu, Jian Ni, Qiang Li. |
Transport and Foreign Direct Investment Attractiveness.
Samir Saidi, Sami Hammami |
Formal Network Governance and knowledge Sharing: Tunisian Networks Study.
Houda Hakim Guermazi, Habiba Almia |
The Impact of Capital Structure and Profitability
on the Growth of Private Companies in Algeria:
Case of Large Private Companies
Operating in Agri-Food Sector.
Redjem Necib, Hana Bousbaa. |
Trust and its link with the knowledge management
Ahlem Soualhia, Wafa Elleuch Maazoun, Habib Affes. |
Tax planning and firm value: evidence from
European companies.
Khaoula Ftouhi, Amor Ayed, Ahmed Zemzem. |
Fit Personne-Travail-Organisation et Effets sur La Satisfaction au Travail.
Jayari Imen |