• International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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Volume 7 - Issue 1

Ownership structure and voluntary disclosure level in emerging market: evidence from Tunisia.
Ahmadi Ali.


Confidence in Virtual Teams: Issues, interests and mechanisms for implementation.
Bechir Mokline.


Managerial motivation as an antecedent to service orientation of industrial’s business strategy.
Afef Ben Youssef Zghidi, Imed Zaiem.


Self-adaptability of real time service-oriented architecture to the context: Feasibility and case study.
Faîçal Felhi, Jalel Akaichi.


Multi criteria method for the selection of an innovative project of SME / SMI.
Kherchi Medjden Hanya, Bakalem Mohamed, Sadi Khadidja.


The quality management and certification in the Algerian company.
Djemai-Mounira, Hadjadj-Aoul Elias.
