• International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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Volume 11 - Issue 1

Multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function network for the prediction of the Tunisian small and medium enterprises' (SME) bankruptcy.
Madiha Zammel, Walid Khoufi


Integrate subcontracting into Supply chain configuration and diffusion of new Product
Rim Jmal, Abdelaziz Dammak, Mariem Mekki


Adoption and use of Smartphones by Casablanca's households and their impact on the project of Casablanca smart city?
Siham Lamari, Samira Oukarfi


A Local search algorithm for the Mixed Capacitated Team Orienteering problem
Mariem Mekki, Marwa Khalfalli, Abdelaziz Dammak


An approach to Principal component analysis for the modal choice problem
Mariem Mekki , Marwa Khalfalli


Simulation based optimization models to allocate personnel and reduce the expected waiting time in an outpatient medical service
Abdelmoneem Ltaif , Achraf Ammar, Younes Boujelbene , Lotfi Khrifech


Regional Planning And Territorial Development In Morocco
Jamila Ayegou


Assignment problem under skills and preferences constraints: A case study
Lamjed Souidi, Marwa Khalfalli, Younes Boujelbene
