• International Journal of
    Scientific Research & Engineering Technology

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  • International Journal of
    Scientific Research & Engineering Technology

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  • International Journal of
    Scientific Research & Engineering Technology

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  • International Journal of
    Scientific Research & Engineering Technology

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Volume 6 - Issue 1

A Fusion Approach for Authorship Identification of Seven Arabic Books
Hadjadj Hassina, Sayoud Halim


Shape and Appearance Fusion: ART and PCA Using SVM
Imène Taleb , Madani Ould Maamar , Abdelaziz Ouamri


Analytical investigation of factors influencing the optimization of a solar adsorption cooling system using Moroccan climate data
Abakouy Hanane , El Kalkha Hanae, Bouajaj Adel


Electromechanical Conversion Chain Fault Diagnostic - State of Art
Jelbaoui Yakout Khadouj, El Menzhi Lamiaà


Platform Design and Experimental Control of an Unmanned Two-Rotor through PD/PID Controllers
Nada El Gmili, Mostafa Mjahed, Abdeljalil El Kari, Hassan Ayad


Smart meters measurements data for North African distribution networks analysis with the presence of distributed generation
Saad Ouali, Abdeljabbar Cherkaoui.


Moroccan Wearable Artificial Kidney (Morwak): Requirement And Use Case Diagrams
Yassine Zahidi, Abdellah Ait taleb, Abdellah Boualam, Mohammed Zamd, Benyounes Ramdani


Comparison of visual servoing approaches on straight lines
Derrar Yasser, Malti Abed
