• International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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  • International Journal of
    Economics & Strategic Management of Business Process

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Volume 4

Formal Network Governance and knowledge Sharing: Tunisian Networks Study.
Houda Hakim Guermazi, Habiba Almia


The Impact of Capital Structure and Profitability on the Growth of Private Companies in Algeria: Case of Large Private Companies Operating in Agri-Food Sector.
Redjem Necib, Hana Bousbaa.


Trust and its link with the knowledge management systems.
Ahlem Soualhia, Wafa Elleuch Maazoun, Habib Affes.


Tax planning and firm value: evidence from European companies.
Khaoula Ftouhi, Amor Ayed, Ahmed Zemzem.


Fit Personne-Travail-Organisation et Effets sur La Satisfaction au Travail.
Jayari Imen.


Lost Luggage(s) Without Things or From Products to Services.
A. Can Özcan.


Challenges for Inflation Targeting: International Experiences with two different methods.
Olfa Manai Daboussi, Amira Majoul.


Corporate Social Responsability in a local community : the actions set up in the social dimension (case of a local community in France).
Rosalie Douyon.


Index Stock Options Pricing Under Kou Jump-Diffusion Model: SP500 Study
Wajih Abbassi, Zouhaier Ben Khelifa


Corporate Entrepreneurship and Learning Capability of Internationalized SMEs.
Aziza Saïda Slimane, Anis Slim, Faysal Mansouri.


Japanese Candlesticks and Qatar Exchange.
Rihane Chérif, Oudaifia Lamia.


Ownership Structure and Agri-Food Innovation Empirical Hypotheses from Algerian Manufacturing Firms.
Amina Omrane , Amine M. Benmehaia, Fatima Brabez.
